Meet Aidan our 4 years old. I was thinking/contemplating sending Aidan to preschool at our local church or peruse to use Blue Manor Christian Preschool curriculum. Aidan and
the rest of our family also benefited from reading the Color
book. I even found myself enjoying these brightly colored
wonderful E books. I found that we all had enjoyed and
been reading and participating in each book. I setup for each book we used this week and put a little
activity to run along with each book, Which was
wonderful to see my children wanting to use the
curriculum. Aidan has truly enjoyed himself this week.
We are currently adding more to our Ebooks to our library!
We have just added the Christian Kindergarten Curriculum for Logan age 5.Which wasn't very expensive at all.
You can purchase either set for $29.99. The parent guide does just that guides you into being successful with your child. A wonderful useful tool. When your like me.
Logan's favorite out of all the books are Drawing 1 and Drawing 2. Logan has a love with how machines work and loves to capture them working. There are 2 drawing books between the two sets pages upon pages of quality reliable eBook books to inspire education and creativity blossoming as we speak.
Connor and the kids laid in bed and just talked and talked about the different dogs and their uses and which one was their favorite dog. hat dog would be good for our families life style. The Dog book sparked and promoted so much more conversation between the kids than any other book we sat down to read. Blue Manor Academy Christian Preschool Curriculum along with
Christian Kindergarten Curriculum has my family sold. I
love the curriculum books so much I offered and wanted to
become an affiliate to help bring these books into your
home. These smiling faces say it all. It is Fun-School at
our house. When the children are interested they will learn.
Dogs E book
Fitness E book